Thursday, April 23, 2009

last day ever

Today was my last day of classes...ever. EVER! I'll never have a school class again. Well, as far as I have planned. the future is a weird place, but as of this second I have zero plans to ever go to school again. I'll go to campus and use my student ID to get into things, sure, but I won't be there for any sort of academic reason.

I dressed up today like I was going on a date. I wore my date shirt and my date pants and I looked good. People noticed. An Asian girl talked to me. That has never happened in 6 years of school. I played video games, went to the gym, made a cake...all my favorite things. I finished the day with a bunch of tv watching. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it was a great day. The weather was perfect. Someone bought me ice cream. I even got my belly rubbed for a second which was nice.

I don't know how tomorrow is going to be better than today. something amazing is going to have to happen to top the great feeling at the end of today.

I am still keeping my eyes open for a bag of money some careless drug dealer might leave lying around.

Well see!


Unknown said...

Good job Rowdy. I'm glad you hit it off with the Asian. That's very good. I always wanted to go on a date with an Asian but it never happened. So six years of school? That means you're graduating with a Masters Degree, right?

Melanie said...

Ah yes- the last day of class feeling. Enjoy the high! Congrats on finishing and the girl thing.

The Jones :) said...

Congrats!! I'm jealous and wish I could say the same as you...but oh well. Hope you have a GREAT weekend can last longer then just yesterday!! Maybe the Asian will ask you out...that would be good huh!!! Yay for you and good luck with what's to come!! You hanging around Logan/Utah area???
Becki :)

The Cowles Family said...

Hey Ryan, Congrats!!! I am glad you started blogging again. Facebook just isn't enough! Hope tomorrow is even better for you! Maybe you should wear a suit again. Just a thought.